Ficus is sales tracking app for Envato authors

Ficus is Android app for Envato authors. It shows useful statistics and charts about sales and earnings on Envato Market.

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Ficus is a simple yet powerful app. You're gonna love it!

12 different charts

Earnings, sales, reversals, commission changes, withdrawal requests, referrals, countries, time distribution, weekdays distribution etc.


Filtering by product items, time, period, Envato sites, time zone and cumulative chart mode.

CSV data

Data is imported from Statement CSV file exported from Envato Market web. Ficus also works in offline mode.

All Envato Marketplaces

ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, VideoHive, AudioJungle, GraphicRiver, PhotoDune, 3DOcean, ActiveDen - all supported.


Devices with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and newer are supported.


Ficus is completly free. Download it from Google Play Store.

How does it work?

  • Ficus is a simple app for Envato authors. It shows statistics and charts about earnings and sales on Envato Market. Basically Ficus is a viewer of Statement CSV file exported from Envato Market web.
  • How to use it? First, you have to fill in your Envato username in Settings. Then you just need to download CSV file by clicking on "Download CSV" button in the toolbar menu and finally open CSV in the app. You can also download CSV file manually on Envato web -> My Account -> Statement -> Download your statement in CSV format.
  • When you open the app, last CSV file is automatically loaded. You can also load CSV by clicking on "download complete" notification or by opening from a file manager. Button "Open today's CSV" in the toolbar menu will try to open CSV file from download directory which was downloaded today. Keep in mind that CSV file is downloaded from Envato web via web browser so you have to be signed in Envato. Also note that CSV is not downloaded nor refreshed automatically. You have to download CSV file every time when you want to see actual data.
  • You can switch between different charts in the navigation menu. You can use filter to display different data in charts. You can zoom, scroll or click within charts to get more info. Years in column charts are distinguished by different colors.
  • Why you have to download CSV? Because Envato API returns only last 100 events from the last 28 days so it is not possible to get the whole sales history via API. That's why we decided to use CSV export.
  • This app uses Envato Statement CSV. It does not use Envato API. There is no guarantee that all information and charts are correct. Use entirely at your own risk. More info about Ficus at


Ficus app is full of nice interactive charts. Note that data used in screenshots are fake, just for illustration.


We are Robo Templates. We create Android apps and templates. We've been developing mobile apps since 2009. Our priority is to create top quality products with beautiful design, write a perfectly clean code and make apps easily configurable and customizable. We are following Android Design Guidelines and permanently watching new trends. See our portfolio on CodeCanyon, follow us on social networks.